Sunday, August 29, 2010

STC - SOC - First Annual General Meeting

This June we held our first Annual General Meeting at the Heuther’s Boardroom. Members and non-members were welcomed. Since only chapter members have voting privileges, the 12 members in attendance comprised quorum for the business component of the agenda. Fei Min Lorente opened the evening with a recap of our accomplishments this year. It’s an impressive list - 16 activities long. These are just the highlights!

1. Registered as a non-profit organization
2. Wrote our bylaws which were approved by head office
3. Hosted four education evenings and four web seminars
4. Ran a successful student award competition
5. Jointly held the technical publications and online competitions with the Toronto chapter
6. Held our wine and cheese awards night
7. Organized two days of workshops
8. Published the newsletter
9. Launched a Blog and events discussion list
10. Sent a council member to the International STC conference to participate in the leadership day
11. Revised the International Affiliation Agreement and sent it to head office
12. Mounted a membership renewal campaign
13. Presented the benefits of the STC to the editor’s group at RIM
14. Organized regular meetings and correspondence with the other Canadian chapter Presidents
15. Signed a limited partnership agreement with Communitech
16. Moved the website to a new host

We’ve also started planning for next year, and are investigating technology to allow our members to be more involved. The new Blog and the events list permit more timely and interactive communication. We’d like to expand this forum into a discussion area for questions and answers and increase the number of web casts and teleconferences so members who live and work at a distance can be included. We’re also working with other chapters on various issues. At the Canadian level, we’re working on a re-write of the International Affiliation Agreement and producing a Canadian Salary Survey.

Financially, our chapter is in the black. Our Treasurer, Jim Bousquet presented the audited financial statement for 2009. Details are available on request.

From the business side of the annual meeting, the members in attendance approved the bylaws unanimously. Then we held the Board of Directors elections. Fei Min Lorente continues as President, Jim Bousquet as Treasurer and Carol Lawless as Secretary.

That wrapped up the General Meeting agenda, but not the evening. Aside from enjoying a scrumptious dinner, and great company, we announced our partnership with Communitech. It’s a great opportunity for us to tap into their large local membership and Communitech now has another professional offering for their members. We also officially presented Lori Jankowski with her Distinguished Services Award.

Finally, Fei Min thanked the many volunteers who have made the year a success through their hard work. And of course, Fei Min deserves much thanks and credit for her hard work. Debbie Kerr, Past President took the floor to acknowledge everything Fei Min has done.

We wrapped up the evening with Wilfred Laurier University’s Nashifa Carter, who gave a very interesting and informative talk on persuasion and working with Subject Matter Experts and other colleagues. See Working effectively... for a summary of her talk.

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